Experience unparalleled savings with our 115% Price Match Guarantee. If you find a lower price online, either before or after your purchase, we'll not only match it but also give you an additional 15% of the difference. This guarantee excludes pool tables and oversized items due to their unique shipping and installation costs.

Why Choose Us? Rest assured you're getting the lowest price online with our rigorous efforts to secure the best rates from our suppliers. We're committed to offering the finest quality billiard products at prices that can't be beaten, supported by our 115% price advantage.

Before Your Purchase: If you discover a lower price for the same product online, let us know. We'll match that price and apply an additional 15% discount on the difference, ensuring you pay the least possible.

After Your Purchase: Found a lower price within 30 days of your purchase? We offer a refund or credit for the price difference, plus an extra 15%, making sure you always get the best deal.

Special Offers:

  • 30-Day Return Policy on Chalked Cues & Shafts

How to Claim:

  • Before Ordering: Encounter a lower price? Submit the link for review. Once validated, we'll adjust your purchase price to beat the competitor by the difference plus an additional 15%.
  • After Purchase: If you find a lower price within 30 days of buying, share the link with us. Upon confirmation, we'll refund or credit you the difference plus 15%.

Our Commitment: We guarantee the lowest online prices alongside top-tier products and customer service, further solidified by our 115% Price Match Guarantee.

Price Matching Sales: If an item you purchased goes on sale within 14 days, we'll refund you the difference, ensuring the best price even after your purchase.

Terms and Additional Conditions:

  • Price matching is for identical products from the same manufacturer.
  • The competitor must have the item in stock and be an online store or have a physical location.
  • Excludes rebate programs, retailer-specific offers, wholesalers, liquidators, distributors, or auction websites (e.g., eBay, Liquidation.com).
  • Competitors must be authorized resellers, ensuring legitimate comparisons.
  • Price differences considered include the product's list price and shipping but exclude sales tax.
  • Applies only to purchases made directly on our site or in our store.
  • Ensuring the fairest and most competitive pricing, we've adjusted our policy to include diligent supplier negotiations and direct checkout requirements.

By shopping with us, you're assured not only of quality and service but also of the most competitive prices in the market, backed by our comprehensive 115% Price Match Guarantee.


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